If there are two things that could be combined to create one wonderful object, it is tea and dolls! I have an obsessive relationship with tea, so when I saw these adorable doll tea cozies on Amazon, I knew I had to get one of them! It is starting to become a very hard decision to make. I need your help on this dilemma I am having. Take a look and comment down below!

It’s so cute to see this Dymkovo Barynya Doll as a teapot cozy! I love the traditional attire. Originally I thought she was wearing a over-sized hat, but I think she is wearing a “kokoshnik”. Since she is wearing her muff, it looks like she’s trying to keep warm too!

I’m not trying to be insulting, but this Khokhloma Barynya tea cozy doll has a silly face. That’s kind of her appeal to me though. She looks one of a kind and very adorable! The bright warm colors are also really appealing, especially during this time of year. Those bright blue eyes pop with all the yellows, oranges, and reds.

This tea cozy doll “Gzhel Barynya” has such a gentle expression. She seems to have a very welcoming presence. Not only that, but I like how the blue and white floral designs are very similar to a tea set I have! I think her rosy cheeks are so precious!

This was the doll that started this whole conundrum! The Dunyasha tea cozy doll has the most doll-like qualities out of them all. Her gorgeous flowery dress is just astounding. You can that she’s wearing very traditional Russian attire, which is a really cool feature. Oddly, I don’t think it’s strange that she doesn’t have arms.
These four very different dolls have me in a pickle… I know I’m going to be using these on basically a daily basis, so I want something cute, fun, and durable! What do you guys think of these doll tea cozies? Which one do you think I should get? This is a hard decision, help!